Albert Pennings
Certified Nutrient Management Planner/Consultant
Cell: 519-617-1167
Head Office: 226-777-8462
Albert is a Certified Nutrient Management Consultant with Crop Quest Inc., and has served a range of farmers in communities across Ontario. Albert provides professional support in all aspects of Nutrient management, including strategies and plans.
Having been raised on a pork farm in Shedden, Albert has been involved in farming to some degree all his life. He is currently living on a hobby farm in St. Thomas with his wife and children.
Albert has spent over 25 years as project coordinator in a wide variety of industries including the automotive sector. Since joining Crop Quest in 2017, he has developed a broad range of experience in working with dairy, chicken, beef, pork, and sheep farmers.
Albert enjoys meeting new farmers and working with them as they develop their farming business. He has good insight into strategic planning, and will offer practical advice for new and existing projects.
Albert is available to assist clients anywhere in Ontario with their nutrient management needs.